So, with a little prodding from a very persistent friend of mine, I've decided to start a blog. The purpose? To give me a platform to state my opinions on different subject matters, but in a humorous way.
You see, I like to make my opinion known, so in order to make sure everyone hears my opinion, I need to put it out there publicly. I think it's very important for Mr. Obama to hear how I feel about grammar, Walmart or children. It will help him run the country better.
So I've got a plethora of topics written down that I will discuss in time. If you have any suggestions or things you'd like to hear my opinion on, feel free to comment with those ideas!
The title of this blog is the "Dahley" dose. For those who don't know me well, knows that my mom's maiden name is Dahley and I spent a good part of my youth and young adulthood trying to figure out who I was and in the process I had a lot of influence from the Dahley side of my family. So though I am a Quincey, I really relate to the Dahley's well.
The title of this blog is the "Dahley" dose. For those who don't know me well, knows that my mom's maiden name is Dahley and I spent a good part of my youth and young adulthood trying to figure out who I was and in the process I had a lot of influence from the Dahley side of my family. So though I am a Quincey, I really relate to the Dahley's well.
However, it may be a bit misleading because I don't know if I can commit to a "Dahley" blog update, but for the sake of the title, let's just pretend I will.
During future updates it is possible that I will use some offensive language or probably offend you. You've been warned. But I'm so damn lovable and witty that you'll keep coming back for more. You know it.
So with that, I have an idea for my first update and I'm going to get to working on it! So...stay tuned! If all goes well, I will post it today!
Later bitches.
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