Kids are loud, messy and needy and I don't like any of those characteristics. So what I don't understand is why people are so offended when they're invited to something but are told to leave the kids at home. YOU chose to have kids, if YOU want to be around them, fine. But I didn't choose to have children for a reason. I could easily make a craigslist ad requesting a sleazy hour with some strange man passing through town to perform that whole baby-making process with me. However, I'm not interested in the process or the result.
In the past, especially, at my old job, I was around kids ALL day. Screaming, bratty children. I didn't want to surround myself with that on my free time as well. Even now, I'm in a new job and am still exposed to screaming children and I don't particularly like it.
So when there's an 'adult-only' event planned, don't get all irritated if people don't want your kids there. It could mean many things:
A. Your kids are unruly little brats and they don't want to hear you scream and yell at your children, "IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME" all day. Plus nobody can enjoy themselves while watching your spawn run around screaming and destroying things. And are you even having a good time? You can't even hold a normal conversation with anyone.
A. Your kids are unruly little brats and they don't want to hear you scream and yell at your children, "IF I HAVE TO TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME" all day. Plus nobody can enjoy themselves while watching your spawn run around screaming and destroying things. And are you even having a good time? You can't even hold a normal conversation with anyone.
B. If it's at someone's house, it's possible their house isn't kid-proof. Or perhaps it is kid-proof but they don't want your children's messy, slimy, boogery hands touching their couch or their TV or windows. Are YOU going to stick around and clean up after them? I doubt it.
C. Children are LOUD. Apparently they don't learn about the power of their vocal chords until they're in their 20s, so they think everyone needs to be screamed or yelled. "Inside Voices" just means scream louder. My eardrums can only take so many decibels. Your children have passed that threshold.
Also don't necessarily be mad if you get a babysitter and show up and other people's kids are there. Some kids are actually tolerable, but obviously not yours. Some people do take the time to discipline and raise their kids. These kids are welcome as when their mom simply gives them 'the look', they pipe down. I know because I was one of these kids. I NEVER acted like the kids you see out in public now. Don't believe me? Ask my mother. She reminds me of it all the time.
So the next time you are invited somewhere and someone says, "Please leave your bastards at home" (or that's how I phrase my invites) don't get mad. That's why babysitters were invented. How would you feel if you had a gathering and someone decided to bring their pet highly-venomous rattlesnake? Because that's how I view your children. As slithery, slimy, poisonous reptiles. You should feel lucky you were even invited. If you don't like it, don't come and we'll just sit and talk about your stupid children the whole time.